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Farm Labor Policy

BSC works to improve the livelihood of its contract growers, their families and hired workers and requires all of its contract growers to at a minimum comply with all applicable federal, state and local labor laws. In order to produce tobacco for BSC, growers must agree not to employ any worker under the age of eighteen. BSC provides training to its growers about following good agricultural practices that specifically focus on worker safety and protection. BSC conducts grower training on worker safety and supports additional training through the University Research and Extension program and trough its participation in the industry-wide GAP Connections Program.



Through its internal Good Agricultural Practices ("GAP") efforts, BSC has worked to ensure its growers are aware that any form of child labor is unacceptable. In addition to farm visits by BSC staff, third party audits are also conducted to ensure compliance with all aspects of GAP guidelines and to identify areas for implementation of additional education programs for our farmers.



BSC's standards go beyond state and federal laws; it is not acceptable for BSC to contract with farmers who use child labor in tobacco production.

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